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Don’t take our word for it, check out what our BIA Broadway Baddies have to say…

Not a performer but still want results…
we got you.
Check out these incredible transformations

Odyssey Client:

BIA Broadway

Before BIA:

👉 Overtraining, working out every day but no results

👉 Had rest day guilt

👉 Wanted to take her physique and lifestyle to the next level

BIA Transformation Before and After Rochelle R

Reset Client:

Before BIA:

👉 Believed bodies are built on genetics

👉 Lacked the energy to get through her entire day

👉 Wanted to gain the competitive edge in the audition room

BIA Transformation Before and After Lauren S

Odyssey Client:

Before BIA:

👉 Thought she might get too “Bulky” by lifting weights

👉 Didn’t know if she could commit to a program while on a Broadway tour

👉 Lacked knowledge of how Protein and Macros worked

BIA Transformation Before and After Judith F

Reset Client:

Before BIA:

👉 Struggled with the yo-yo of being in and out of shows

👉 Huge snacker at night/post-show

👉 Lacked prioritizing stress levels and sleep

BIA Transformation Before and After Morgan M

Odyssey Client:

Before BIA:

👉 Struggled with body image and mental health

👉 Couldn’t commit to consistency

👉 Mentally holding herself back from achieving her dreams

BIA Transformation Before and After Kennedy C

Reset Client:

Before BIA:

👉 Not properly fueling the body with the nutrients needed

👉 Wanted to get back in the gym to get stronger

👉 Lacked knowledge on committing to a vegan lifestyle properly

BIA Transformation Before and After Tiffany T

Odyssey Client:

Before BIA:

👉 Restricted Calories and Endless Cardio to get results

👉 New Broadway Mom needed guidance to prepare for her return to the stage

👉 Scared of the gym and lacking knowledge

BIA Transformation Before and After Celina N

Odyssey Client:

Before BIA:

👉 Tried generic workout plans that did not get results.

👉 Needed more 1 on 1 attention to nutrition and working out

👉 Wanted to regain her confidence in audition rooms

BIA Transformation Before and After Alex VP

Ready to start your journey?

Odyssey Client:

Before BIA:

👉 In a constant yo-yo fad diet world.

👉 Thought he had to do Insanity workouts to get results

👉 Undereating for his goals

BIA Transformation Before and After Vinny C

Odyssey Client:

Before BIA:

👉 Didn’t know what the benefits of a coach could do

👉 Did not have nutrition dialed in

👉 Was not consistant

BIA Transformation Before and After Adam H

Are you the next transformation?

Lifestyle Transformations

Odyssey Client:

Before BIA:

👉 Always stopping & restarting, never reaching her goal

👉 Could never get past the plateau

👉 Lacked confidence in the gym

BIA Transformation Before and After Jessica D

Odyssey Client:

Before BIA:

👉 Struggled putting all the pieces together

👉 Didn’t know how BIA could help her navigating in postpartum

👉 Missing the accountability component to reach her goals

BIA Transformation Before and After Andrea D

Odyssey Client:

Before BIA:

👉 Always putting herself last over her kids and job.

👉 In the worst shape of her life

👉 Bloodwork wasn't great and no motivation

BIA Transformation Before and After Jen C

Odyssey Client:

Before BIA:

👉 Struggled with being consistent and not accustomed to a routine

👉 Struggled with always saying yes to food

👉 Wanted to shed Covid weight.

BIA Transformation Before and After Kaelee A

Odyssey Client:

Before BIA:

👉 Believed in the myths and lies of the fitness industry

👉 Felt she was putting in the work, but getting no results

👉 Had an unsustainable routine

BIA Transformation Before and After Danielle

Take the First Step.